[07.11.18] New website online! - Posted by Helly
The new website is now online and the only one you can visit. The old one is now officially retired. Well you can still visit it if you know the exact link to it but soon it won't work anymore as i am going to change and update a lot of database stuff it was using.

It's database is a giant mess and does a whole lot of things wrong. Things i will be fixing in the near future. That database also contains a whole shitload of stuff that is not needed, so those will be removed.

Another thing i have updated is the security of the website, i have attached an SSL certificate so logging in should be secure. It was working on the old site but you could still visit the unsecured version. In fact that is what it did by default, you typed in hellms.hopto.me and it would connect to the insecure version. You would see this when you tried to log in. If you have a half way decent browser it would tell you the connection wasn't secure. That is all fixed now. You will always connect to the secure website from now on. You can recognize it by the green lock next to the address.

Everything usefull on the old website is now fully working on the new one. At least it should be, if you're visiting here by chance and find something not working, try to let me know so i can fix it.

You can now also visit the website from any device and it should look great and be usable. Because i made it responsive. Want to know how it works? drag ur browser window smaller and see what happens ;).

Have fun on the website, perhaps one day we can have fun in the game again! :D
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