[12.20.09] Christmas Event! - Posted by Helly
Event status: Ended
Well here it is... a christmas event.

More use for the letters all the mobs are dropping.

i want you all to make the craziest, funniest or coolest sentence with the letters and make a screenshot. Be creative in how you put the letters can go every way... could even make it a bit of a puzzle... im sure you can think of some funny way of saying something....

The sentence could have something to do with Christmas. But its not absolutely necessary. It could be something else... your choice....

The winner will get 5 Devil scrolls of his/her choice

hope you like the idea for the event... and i hope to see some funny stuff

ps. GM's and their characters can't join the event for the scrolls. they can of course make a funny screenshot...

click to go to the forum

The event was won by Spongebob :)
Views: 4935 | Comments: 2
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Poo8D - 12-21-09 8:18 AM
Feedback: Positive
i know wut ill be saying :p
Agito - 01-07-10 12:08 PM
Feedback: Positive
when is this gonno end?