[09.16] [Helly] Website edited!
Well as you may notice... i have finally changed the website and completely removed all the crap we don't use and more importantly the crap we don't WANT to use. For example the ticket system that used to be there was used by some users to ask for help but neither me or any GM ever checked those.... and when we did we were always months to late to reply to the ticket.

As requested by some players i have left the character fixes intact. I actually kept the whole log in intact. We still have the moto stuff of GM's and all GM's can still use the blog if they want to.

For now i'm happy enough with the website... i'd still like a fully custom one if any of you feel like making one.... i'll do what i can to help you with this if you need help....

On another subject now... Adventure hell, i have almost completed the recode of the PQ's in that. I thought i would be able to get it open today but something came up and it will probably reopen tomorrow. We'll get there.... and next week i will start working on hopefully fixing the very last WZ errors that we still have... they're not really annoying it's just better if they're fixed :). So that will be done next week. At least that's the plan... you all probably now know how my plans go..............

finally i'd like to ask you to PLEEEEEAAAAASSEEEEEE VOTE for the server.... we need some more players.... but if you can also create some youtube video's.. would be awesome.. thanks in advance :P
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