[08.12] [Helly] more blogs!
yeah more blogging... i like blogging... might do this more often...

i don't know if anyone but me cares but the website is not up to date yet... if you look at the ranks you might see some characters are missing equips.. that's because i haven't updated the website with the new v83 equips yet (mostly NX stuff though). Same goes for the character page... you can't see if someone is an adventurer on that yet and some of the medals are just missing... i will add those as soon as the next WZ update is done.

I also want to ask everyone this way to consider creating some video's on youtube... its the best advertising for a maple server.... if a few people start posting some video's on there we should get more players.... and from there it will hopefully only get better and better....

if we want more players... we'll have to work for it... so please don't let me do this all on my own....
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