[04.07] [Helly] I can blog again <3333333
It's been a while... the GM tab didn't show up anymore so i couldn't use this part of the site...

but as you can see its all fixed now.. hopefully it stays that way.... i've been making some changes to the website to add the cygnus jobs. There are also some new items that weren't in so i've added those as well....

i have some plans of things to add to the website.. but it will take some time to build. My plan is to create a character page where you can see some information on a specific character... it will show all the basic info like RB's, exp but also the JQ finishes... and i want to show all the medals a character has. Maybe even show how rich someone is... like how many leafs and acorns he/she has...

I also want to change the game info part.... i've always liked how other server show how many characters are male or female and how many are black... we can add the green ;). I like seeing things like that....

if you have any idea's for any of this.. let me know.. ill see if i can add some things.
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